

Conscientiology. Waldo Vieira. International Institute for Projectiology and Conscientiology. Foz do Iguaçu. Paraná state.



Conscientiology. Waldo Vieira. International Institute for Projectiology and Conscientiology. Foz do Iguaçu. Paraná state.


With some of the world’s most exuberant landscapes for a backdrop, through some of life’s most memorable moments, standing by a familiar person… At least for a few brief moments, we all sometimes feel like we’re closer to the answers we keep asking from life. It’s when a glimmer from the cosmos tries to show us our role in this lifetime.

“The greatest human angst lies

in finding the answer to:

Who am I, where did I come from,

and where am I going to?”

Waldo Vieira, founder of Conscientiology

When Waldo Vieira chose this between all of Earth’s chakras to hold the headquarters of Conscientiology, he knew the science of all sciences would benefit from the pure and living nature flowing through the Iguaçu Falls: there are 275 waterfalls marking the border between Brazil and Argentina, causing a dripping sensation and water reflexes on air that no image has ever been able to translate. It is energy, with all its potential; an energy that is one of the realities within the cosmos.

Another one of the cosmos’ reality spheres is consciousness – or ego, essence, soul, being, self. In this science of life and death, consciousness has existed throughout the millennia: it is transferrable and, upon freeing itself from a body, it causes detachment that cannot be explained, but experienced.

“The spirit is

an extra-physical consciousness:

a body-less consciousness

for that time being”

Mabel Telles

While studying and practicing Conscientiology, empiricism is therefore fundamental: everyone has to learn tactics to bring about their innate capacity to have out-of-body experiences. Yes, that’s because this is a place where living is more important than believing… no-one should settle for what is said or explained by others since it is possible to get in touch with their own consciousness, that will in turn reveal how to lead life.

This movement establishes a dialogue with Spiritism and Parapsychism since Dr. Waldo had had a previous career in medicine and mediumship: the unforgettable man with white hair and beard came in touch with consciousness for the first time at the young age of five. Over his many books, not only has he created a specific vocabulary for this science, but he also gathered important references from studies and cases of the so-called paranormal from all over the world. But even though they accept the notions of consciousness multidimensionality and de-sum (dessoma, the term for reincarnation), Conscientiology followers place their lessons on the field of knowledge instead of religion.

Exercising in sleep, brain monitoring, and debates are recommended for those who want to evolve and acquire cons: the minimum unit of measurement for conscientious lucidity. Those who can reach the highest levels are called Serenões (super serene) or Homo sapiens sereníssimus: rare and discreet people often thought of as masters, enlightened spirits or even archangels.

“It’s the same as turning to you and saying: there is love.

If you never experience love,

you’ll never know what it is”

Dc Hernande Leite

But why should anyone be so determined to evolve and be in touch with his or her consciousness? In order to lead a good life, avoid frustrations, suffering, and definitely: to continue to give meaning to an existence. Chance doesn’t exist, as expected when it comes to the science of consciousness – although most of us are dead and reborn without noticing… In that instant a spirit is choosing, by affinity or evolution, where and with whom of us they will be living.


Mabel Telles



Mabel Telles



Dc Hernande Leite



Dc Hernande Leite


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